Friday, April 07, 2006

My Art

OH YES! Girl (1996)

I did this painting when I was 16.... so 10 years ago now. It is based on a sculpture by one of my favourite artists, Jane Alexander.

The image is of a Cape Flats prostitute, who has been raped and mutilated, in the crucifix position. Despite this, the image is one of beauty.

My art has become less about trying to have deep underlying meaning, and more about a simple visual impact. This painting was the one that I always look back on as giving me that push. Before this painting, I used to plan what a painting was going to say... now I prefer to simply focus on a powerful image, and then use colour and texture to stir emotion.

Snow (1997)

This my Final Exam piece for school Art. The image depicted is from a World War II magazine. It is of a Polish girl who was hung for stealing pigeons to eat. Her frozen body was later found, preserved by the snow.

Once I had chosen the image, my focus was however the colour and the texture which was very experimental.

Pieta (2001)

I did an impression of Michaelangelo's Pieta after returning from spending 2 years in England, which culminated in a tour of Europe. I was lucky enough to see the sculpture... although it was behind bullet proof glass!

Impression in Blue (2004)

Recently I have been doing a lot more abstract paintings.

Firstly because I have grown tired of using other people's images, and have not yet had time to do a photography course to start doing my own. Secondly, to allow me explore texture and colour to a greater extent.

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